Chelsey Crowley

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Evidence-Based Strategies to Eliminate Bias 

If an organization is struggling with DEIB, it’s likely because subtle (and not-so-subtle) forms of bias are being transmitted through business systems like hiring, performance evaluations, and access to opportunities.  This webinar will explore how a suite of companies implemented evidence-based Bias Interrupters into their business systems and saw major improvements in a short time

Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Evidence-Based Strategies to Eliminate Bias  Read More »

Leading Effective Teams

Collective intelligence—the synergy within a group—has twice the impact of team performance as individual team members’ intelligence. Learning how to lead effective teams to make sure everyone’s skill sets are tapped in real time is essential. In this webinar, Professor Joan C. Williams will translate a wide range to research into actionable to-do’s to help

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Reimagining Talent Systems – Using an Evidence-Based Model to Effect Change

In order to develop strategies for improving the diversity, equity, and inclusion space, establishing understanding of an org’s current state is essential. This can include investing time and forethought into reviewing how a talent management system operates, the ways in which people experience the system, and how the outcomes it produces drives the development of

Reimagining Talent Systems – Using an Evidence-Based Model to Effect Change Read More »

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