Pregnancy Accommodation Update For Employers

[fontawesome icon=”lock” size=”medium” style=”normal” color=”theme” link=””] MEMBER EXCLUSIVE New laws, new cases, new interpretations, and new attitudes are unsettling standard pregnancy accommodation practices. What do employers have to do, and what should they do? This webinar will help HR professionals, managers, and legal counsel chart a course through the tangle of state accommodation laws, the amendment […]

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“I’d Rather Work With A Man”
Tips For Diffusing Conflicts Among Women

We receive more questions from WLE members about how to handle workplace conflicts between women than on any other topic. At least once a year, a study or trending article comes out about why female bosses are harder to work for, or how catty female coworkers or office Mean Girls hold women back in their

“I’d Rather Work With A Man”
Tips For Diffusing Conflicts Among Women
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The Flexibility Stigma

[fontawesome icon=”lock” size=”medium” style=”normal” color=”theme” link=””] MEMBER EXCLUSIVE Joan Williams, Mary Blair-Loy & Jennifer Berdahl  A new publication from WorkLife Law about the stigma applied to flexible work arrangements, and the superficial biases that lead to the failure of the modern workplace to adjust to the realities of the workforce.

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Being a Team Player While Actively Pursuing Your Career Goals

Women and diverse professionals often face internal and/or external pressures to play office roles that give them less visibility and prominence. This webinar provides concrete strategies to enable professionals to position themselves in the spotlight while still being seen as good team players. We’ll discuss the kind of roles that might be undervalued in the

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