Racial Equity

Navigating Bias in the Workplace

In this webinar, Dr. Tiffany Jana focuses on identifying personal bias through preferences and privilege. By becoming more self-aware, you can conquer fears of the unknown and prevail over closed-mindedness. Participants will learn how to identify and address the systemic and institutional biases to which we are all vulnerable. Dr. Jana will cover how systemic […]

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Designing a Data-Driven Diversity & Inclusion Strategy

Why is it that so many organizations invest in diversity, but see little change? One reason is that D&I efforts are often detached from data and inconsistent with research. But for a growing number of companies, that’s changing. From Airbnb and Google to Capital One and The New York Times, businesses across industries are taking

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Leveling the Playing Field for First Generation Professionals: Tips for Individuals and Their Employers

Too often in diversity contexts, programming is designed to help women, LGBTQ individuals, or people of color – but rarely tackle issues of class. Yet first-generation college students face particular, well documented challenges in professional workplaces. This webinar is designed to provide a toolkit to address those challenges. Class migrants—professionals from non-professional families—often find self-promotion

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Authentic Leadership as a Critical Pillar of Inclusive Work Environments

Overview: A growing body of research suggests that authenticity is a key ingredient for building inclusive environments. However, most corporate environments struggle with the idea of authenticity – professionals are taught to avoid differences rooted in culture, rather than leverage these differences for success, which in turn causes them to minimize their own differences in

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Interrupting Bias in Performance Evaluations

Studies show that subtle gender and racial biases often creep into performance evaluations. Learn how to design and fill out performance evaluations to avoid this. Research shows that women’s reviews are more likely to contain negative feedback, and women tend to receive different types of criticism than men. Men typically receive constructive suggestions related to

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“She’s Too Abrasive/Aggressive/Emotional” – Interrupting Bias in Performance Evaluations

Studies show that subtle gender and racial biases often creep into performance evaluations. Learn how to design and fill out performance evaluations to avoid this. Research shows that women’s reviews are more likely to contain negative feedback, and women tend to receive different types of criticism than men. Men typically receive constructive suggestions related to

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Vernā Myers

[fontawesome icon=”lock” size=”medium” style=”normal” color=”theme” link=””] MEMBER EXCLUSIVE Vernā Myers is principal of Vernā Myers Consulting Group and a nationally recognized expert on diversity and inclusion, primarily within the legal field. She writes and speaks passionately about inclusive environments and improving the recruitment, retention and advancement of underrepresented groups.

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