WLE 2015 Annual Survey WLE2015 Annual Survey Annual Survey for Members and Ambassadors Step 1 of 5 20% Thanks for taking a few minutes for this Women’s Leadership Edge (WLE) survey! It should take 5-10 minutes. We’re always trying to improve programming and your input is extremely valuable in shaping future content. Complete survey by December 23rd to win a Starbucks gift card! We’re giving 10 gift cards away to survey participants. Submit name, email, and phone number at end of survey to enter the drawing. Your organization*WebinarsSuggestions for webinar topics? List any/all issues of interest to you/your org.Click here to view a list of previous webinar topics.Does your organization participate in webinars?* Yes No Don't Know If no, why not?How could we increase webinar participation in your org?What did you like about webinars?What could we improve?Additional comments/feedback re webinars? Cutting Edge ConferenceWLE members get free tickets to annual Cutting Edge Conference (CEC), held each year in mid- to late-October.Is this an important membership benefit for your org? Yes No Should we continue to offer this conference annually? Yes No What content would you like to see at next year’s conference?Click here to view previous Conference agendas.Did someone in your org attend 2015 CEC? Yes No What was feedback from CEC participants? What could we improve?Why? What would make conference more appealing for your org/ make it more likely you’d attend?How is CEC timing for your org (mid/late October)? If this is bad timing, why, and what dates/time frame would be better? Overall ProgramWhat WLE membership benefits are most valuable to your organization?Click here to view WLE membership benefits.What aspects of being a WLE member had little to no appeal (to you/others in org)?How could we improve WLE/make it more valuable?What topics would your office like included in WLE programming?How could we increase WLE participation in your org?Who uses WLE programming most in your org?List all major participant groups with details re characteristics – sex, seniority, specific departments/roles; geographic location (is participation limited to specific offices, or do all offices participate?); etc.Are you a Program Ambassador for your org?* Yes No If no, describe your involvement.Additional thoughts or feedback? Thank You!Thanks for Your Feedback - Enter to Win Starbucks Gift Card! We’re giving 10 Starbucks gift cards away to survey participants. To enter drawing, complete survey by 12/23 and submit name, email, and phone number below. Full NameEmail Phone Δ