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Susan Mac Cormac
Quickly ascending to partner Susan Mac Cormac began her career in New York and then moved as a third-year associate...
Lizanne Thomas
How does a corporate lawyer become a rainmaker? Broad skills and a few specialties From the start, Lizanne Thomas knew...
What Works for Women at Work
What Works for Women at Work: Four Patterns Working Women Need to Know Joan C. Williams and Rachel Dempsey Order...
From Good Daughter to Respected Peer: Changing Influence Across the Career Lifecycle
Strategies that produce effective influence for early-career women (and men) can be less effective at more senior levels. Further, organizations...
You’ve Heard of the Glass Ceiling – What About the “Glass Cliff?”
Jill Abramson’s firing as editor of The New York Times has prompted conversation about biases that affect women in positions...
Gender Imbalance in Academic Science
Women are underrepresented in the top ranks of academic science, but they attend grad school in equal numbers as men....
Boss Says You’re Smart…For A Woman
Has a colleague ever said something to you that wasn’t outright racist, sexist, or homophobic, but kind of rubbed you...
Why Men Outnumber Women Attending Business Schools
New research explores gender disparities in business school enrollment by the different ways men and women appear to process ethical...
Why Women Don’t Ask For More Money
When Emily Amanatullah was a graduate student studying management, she couldn’t help noticing that a lot of the classic advice...
IMF’s Lagarde: Women In Workforce Key To Healthy Economies
As the first woman to lead the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde is among an elite group of people determining...
Does Diversity On Research Team Improve Quality Of Science?
By Shankar Vedantam This story examines a February 2014 study by Harvard University economists Richard Freeman and Wei Huang which...
For Working Moms, Key To Balance May Lie In Elusive Leisure Time | Interview with Brigid Schulte
If your to-do list is so long that you are overwhelmed just looking at it, and if your list has...