Bias Interrupters

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[heading type="h2" margintop="8px" marginbottom="28px" bordered="yes" align="left"][color]About Bias Interrupters Project[/color][/heading]

Despite decades of bias training and organizational change initiatives, women hold just 15% of high-level positions in most industries, a figure that’s scarcely budged since the 1990’s. People of color hold less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEO positions.

It’s time to go beyond just talking about the problem of workplace bias. Bias Interrupters is an evidence-based model that provides solutions. By taking small steps, Bias Interrupters can make big changes.

Our approach uses quantifiable metrics and research-tested strategies to help organizations identify and measure bias, then re-engineer business systems to address it.

Learn how your organization can get involved. Join us in leading a paradigm-shifting approach to creating fair and diverse workplaces.


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[heading type="h2" margintop="8px" marginbottom="28px" bordered="yes" align="left"][color]Bias Interrupter Solutions[/color][/heading]

[tabs tab1="Our Approach" tab2="Hiring & Recruiting" tab3="Performance Evaluations" tab4="Assignments" layout="top"]

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Our Approach

Decades of social science studies have documented the same patterns of bias over and over again but have not led to change. The Bias Interrupters Working Group was formed to address this problem. Bringing together leading academic researchers and corporate members, the Bias Interrupters Working Group integrates bias-correcting mechanisms into basic business systems. The Working Group has created an innovative and unique model for addressing work-place bias that can be used in any workplace. Follow our basic 3-step method:

  1. Diagnose the Problem - Do an Evidence-Based Assessment
    • Identify problem areas
    • Pinpoint key triggers where bias occurs in daily business operations
  2. Develop Objective Metrics & Goals
    • Assess size of problem
    • Establish metrics for measuring progress and goals
  3. Implement Bias Interrupter(s)
    • Measure Progress, Adjust & Ratchet Up As Needed
    • Reassess metrics
    • Make more changes if needed


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Hiring & Recruiting

Organizations should ensure they’re attracting and recruiting a diverse pool of applicants, maintaining a diverse pool throughout the hiring process, and consistently using fair selection processes. Learn how to identify problems and implement corrective systems to address bias in hiring and recruiting.

  • Attracting Candidates
  • Referral Networks/Sourcing
  • Interviewing Questions & Procedures


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Performance Evaluations

Organizations need clear systems and policies to ensure fair access to career development opportunities for women, people of color, and other historically underrepresented groups. Learn how to diagnose problems and implement systems to provide equal access to opportunities.


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Implicit bias affects who has access to career-enhancing work and who does the “office housework”. Often, women and people of color do more than their share of undervalued work- and get less credit for doing it. Learn to recognize these patterns in your office and establish a more equitable allocation of work.


[heading type="h2" margintop="8px" marginbottom="28px" bordered="yes" align="left"][color]Be a Bias Interrupter[/color][/heading]

WorkLife Law offers several Bias Interrupter tools to help organizations diagnose problems and implement metrics-based solutions:

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[color]Climate Surveys[/color]

Identify how common patterns of bias are playing out in your organization so you can implement a customized Bias Interrupter Solution.


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[color]Trainings & Keynotes[/color]

Access training materials, webinars, and custom training sessions to implement effective bias interrupters.


[heading type="h2" margintop="8px" marginbottom="28px" bordered="yes" align="left"][color]Get In Touch[/color][/heading]

If you’re interested in using our climate survey, would like to host a training or keynote, or would like more information about our resources or the Bias Interrupters Working Group, click here.

[button size="large" color="theme" link="" tooltip=""]Contact Us[/button]

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